We are very proud to be partnering with our friends Mark2Cure and Cochrane Crowd, and organizing a joint CitSciMed Blitz next week!

What's CitSciMed Blitz?
It's a joint competition that will consist of three separate challenges - citizen science mini-marathons - on Stall Catchers, Mark2Cure and Cochrane Crowd. (See details and dates below.)
You can also learn all about the event in this recorded webinar.
Who can participate?
Absolutely anyone - no experience necessary. Just head to one or all of the three platforms, get acquainted & start contributing on the day!
What's the goal of CitSciMed Blitz?
To speed up medical research! Citizen science is a rather new approach in biomedical science, but our community is growing and we're joining forces to raise awareness and invite contributions across platforms.
-- Stall Catchers is an online citizen science game speeding up Alzheimer's research. Participants analyze movies from the brains of mice and look for stalled vessels.
-- Mark2Cure is a citizen science platform dealing with a rare disease known as NGLY1-deficiency. Volunteers extract information from biomedical abstracts in order to help researchers find clues in the literature.
-- Cochrane Crowd is a citizen science project with the main focus to identify studies that provide the best possible evidence of the effectiveness of a health treatment. The more studies identified by the Crowd, the more high-quality evidence is available to help health practitioners treat their clients.
When is it?
CitSciMed Blitz will consist of three separate challenges on a separate day on each platform. All challenges start & end at 3pm GMT and last 24 hours (click on each to sign up):
How do I participate?
You can choose to participate in one or all three challenges of the Blitz. All you need to do is sign up on each separate platform (just click on the icons above), turn up on the day & try to contribute as much as you can before the challenge ends!
What are the prizes?
Each platform will reward their top contributors separately AND there will be joint awards for those who participated in all three challenges!
Three winners - one from each platform - will receive special citizen science trophies, and ONE contributor who scored highest across all three platforms will receive a triple Stall Catchers + Mark2Cure + Cochrane Crowd trophy!