#CrushALZ Daily: Leaders change completely on Day 16!

Day 16 of #CrushALZ is over, and we have a new team join us + a complete reshuffling of the leaderboard! Read all about it bellow...
To catch up on previous #CrushALZ updates, including the latest Week 2 update, follow this link.
And to join the competition head straight to Stall Catchers, join a team of your choice and start playing! More about #CrushALZ here.
Day 16
Start of day: April 21, 8pm ET
End of day: April 22, 8pm ET
Hours: 24
Teams: 24
Total vessels annotated: 5186 ↓24.14
Real vessels annotated: 3242↓9.42
-- Proportion of Real vessels: 62.5%
Equivalent lab time: up to 9.6 weeks
Daily leaders:
Day 16 brought complete reshuffling of the daily leaderboard! Very happy to see community teams Stall Destroyers and STALLS WILL NOT PASS in leading positions! Congrats!
And, as predicted, EyeWirers have overtaken even the CitSciGamers in just two days! Congratulations to our friends from EyeWire!
In the meantime, EyesOnALZ, Alzheimer's Research UK and Cornell Univ, and even previous long time leaders Middle School STEM were all pushed back to the lower parts of the leaderboard (what happened you guys?!). The last two places in the leaderboard were taken by the Hawthorne at Leesburg and Citizen Science Plus community teams.
All time:
Meanwhile, ==the race for the first place continues in the All time leaderboard with CitSciGamers took the first place from Middle School STEM ==!
Welcoming a new team!
Welcome to another team on Stall Catchers - Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills, the "future scientists!" We salute you, future scientists, and good luck catching stalls!
To join Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills & help them get started follow this link!
As we enter the second half of #CrushALZ, we need to crush even harder! Good luck everyone, and thanks for keeping the fight going!