Day 27 finally brought some changes to the All time leaderboard, but the main leaders remain the same & it is as good a time as any to highlight the catchers behind!
Read all about it below...
And keep crushing Alzheimer's with science! If you need a reminder of what #CrushALZ competition is, just check here. And if you are keen to join a team & start crushing, head straight to Stall Catchers & find one to join!
Day 27
Start of day: May 2, 8pm ET
End of day: May 3, 8pm ET
Hours: 24
Teams: 29
Total vessels annotated: 13560 ↓19.80
Real vessels annotated: 8471↓22.42
-- Proportion of Real vessels: 62.47%
Progress toward research goal: 40.86%
Leading teams

Middle School STEM are still leading the way on the daily & All time leaderboards! And if you have been wondering "hey, who are they, and how did they get so good?!" keep reading, and you will find out!
CitSciGamers have clawed their way back to 2nd place on the daily leaderboard, but they are still a bit short of the same in the All time with Stall Destroyers maintaining their position!
A lovely surprise - Citizen Science Plus team have come back to the daily leaderboard after a while AND they collected enough points to push the BrightFocus Foundation off the All time Top 10! Good work Citizen Science Plus!
Who are the catchers behind teams?
Teams would be nothing without individual catchers, and as we approach the end of the competition it seems as good a time as ever to acknowledge the top contributors of leading teams!
Middle School STEM
A group of Middle School students and staff engaging in STEM.
Total players: 196. Join them!
It looks like the most active catcher on the team has been Adavis5 will over 6 million total points! JNakzX has taken 2nd place with over 1.6 million. The rest of the Top 20 catchers have from 220 thousand to 890 thousand points, not to mention the rest 176 players who all have contributed the large part of our research progress during #CrushALZ!
Psst!.. we have also recently gained an inside scoop about Middle School STEM! Stayed tuned for a full article profiing this amazing team, but for now we can tell you that these are 196 extremely enthusiastic middle school students & staff (mostly students!) in Southwest Idaho, USA, who are addicted to Stall Catchers, are integrating the game into their classes, and are about to establish a Citizen Science Club!! Amazing - THANK YOU Middle School STEM for your enthusiasm to #CrushALZ & celebrate citizen science!
Stall Destroyers
"Join the team that is going to make the difference in the Alzheimer's research. Become a stall destroyer. Your life will be better because of it." Total players: 10. Join them!
Our competition 2nd place holders so far - Stall Destroyers - seem to be lead largely by FlowFinder who has almost 17 million points !!! No wonder Stall Destroyers were managed to rise so fast and remain in the lead!
CitSci Gamers
A team for gamers who like to contribute to science by playing Citizen Science Games! Everyone welcome :) Total players: 9. Join them!
Seems the CitSci Gamers have their own multimillionaire too! gcalkins is confidently leading the team with over 13 million teams!
Nice work all teams & all catchers! Not that much left to #CrushALZ ..!