It's happened! Our absolute record holder - #CrushALZ Day 1, which saw over 13 thousand vessels annotated in 24 hrs and has held the record-breaking day title since then, has finally been relieved of that duty!
On Day 22 we have climbed to our new all time high by analysing over 16 thousand total vessels, and contributing up to 1.5 weeks worth of lab work in just one day! All about it below ...
You could be breaking the records with us! The #CrushALZ competition runs on Stall Catchers - an online game that anyone can play. You could be using your spare time to solve important research questions concerning Alzheimer's disease (and have fun in the process), so join today!
Day 22
Start of day: April 27, 8pm ET
End of day: April 28, 8pm ET
Hours: 24
Teams: 28
Total vessels annotated: 16663 ↑60.08
Real vessels annotated: 8773↑49.07
-- Proportion of Real vessels: 52.65%
Progress toward research goal: 29.54%
Equivalent lab time: up to 15.4 weeks
All time high!!

We have finally broken the previous #CrushALZ & all time Stall Catchers records with 16 663 total vessels analysed on Day 22, which is 27.34% more than the vessels annotated on our previous record holder - Day 1, and as much as 60.08% more than we annotated the day before yesterday!
Records were broken for real vessels too - the ones pushing us towards the research goal. Take a look!
That's almost twice as many real vessels annotated in a day than the previous record!
As we reach the last stretch of the competition, we really need this!! :)
Daily leaders:
CitSciGamers have jumped to the top again, rumour has it - largely due to the efforts of gcalkins, who has been the top player already this week!
Stall Destroyers and Middle School STEM were a little behind this time, but STALLS WILL NOT PASS have climbed up too, leaving EyeWirers in 5th place!
All time:
However, Stall Destroyers do not look like they're keen to give up their lead in the All time leaderboard, so the other top teams are yet to catch up!
Good luck to everyone on Day 22! Let's keep crushing records and - more importantly - crushing Alzheimer's!