The #CrushALZ competition is drawing to an end, and we can't wait to see which team will call itself the ultimate stall crusher in two days!
We are very excited to invite you to tune into #CrushALZ LIVE during the last hour of the competition - a live hangout with the EyesOnALZ team on our Facebook page, during which we will keep tabs on the leaderboards, recap some of the best moments of #CrushALZ, hold a Q&A and announce the winners!
The live event begins at 8pm (US Eastern Time) on Saturday, and the winners will be announced at 9pm! You might consider running it in the background while you push to win in the last hour of #CrushALZ! 😜
Check out the event & follow the news on Facebook. If you wish to receive a notification as soon as the live stream begins, just follow our page!
During the live hangout you will be able to...
- ask Pietro & Chris - our hosts - any questions you might have about the competition, Stall Catchers and the science behind!
- learn about the most active players of the last day - CitSciDay (see below)
- look back at the best competition moments - and there have been PLENTY of those!
- learn about our progress towards the research goal & the science it is supporting
- learn the ultimate winners of #CrushALZ live as the competition wraps up!
Hope you can join us!
Double points for CitSciDay!
We thought it would be fun to celebrate the Global Citizen Science Day 2017 at the same time as the #CrushALZ finale, which is why we will be giving out double points to everyone who plays during the last day of #CrushALZ, beginning 8pm (US Eastern Time) on Friday!
We will highligh the most active individuals of the CitSciDay mini-blitz during the #CrushALZ LIVE media hour!
Check out the event on SciStarter's CitSciDay map:

What's the prize?
The ultimate prize is ability to crush Alzheimer's disease of course... ;) But besides that, the #CrushALZ winning teams, the most active catchers during CitSciDay and the long time Stall Catchers leaders will have the opportunity to be on a live panel next week hosted by the creators of The Crowd & The Cloud documentary - #CrowdCloudLive - which will highlight our competition! But more about that soon...
Help give #CrushALZ one final push on the last day & claim your rewards!