It doesn’t get more official than this: the Stall Catchers citizen science project now has it’s very own Girl Scouts patch! (scroll down to watch the video)
(I’m not sure if we’ve been this excited since Lake Hazel Middle School won and displayed the first Citizen Science trophy).
Now any Girl Scout can obtain this new citizen science patch by catching stalls for 100 minutes - learn how.
In 2022, USA Girls Scouts living all over the world came together for the first Overseas Catchathon (read more here). We invited the winning team (USAGSO - Germany) to design a Girl Scouts Patch for Stall Catchers, and a year later we had a patch!

Even better, long-time supercatcher Mike Capraro and his wife Myrna, herself a former Girl Scout, have made generous donations to Stall Catchers, for which we are so grateful. These donations are being used to subsidize the patches so Girl Scouts can get them for free.
We want to share the inspiring story of how these enterprising Girl Scouts, motivated by an interest in science and a desire to help those suffering from disease rose to the challenge of speeding up Alzheimer’s research by playing Stall Catchers and then created a patch to encourage others to do the same.
We hope you will check out this newly released video trailer for an upcoming mini-documentary called “More than a Patch”, where you can hear directly from the Girl Scouts themselves.