Time flies when you're having fun, huh? 😜 It's been one week in the #CabinFever challenge already! Here's some interesting numbers for ya...
52 catchers
- have gathered so far to break this #CabinFever together! ;)
34 teams
- have taken part in the challenge so far, one of which - a school team! (we hear more might come after Spring break ;))
47.9 K
- total movies watched
35.5 K
- of these where "real" - research movies from the newest dataset!
That adds up to 46 days of lab work
!!! That's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, isn't it?? In just one week! :)
Meanwhile, the leaderboards have been dominated by the team "testing" as well as "MemoryCafes". Nice to see our long time dedicated "The Longest Day" catchers in third place as well! Not far behind are also teams "krissi" and "Canada". See the full team and user leaderboards for the entire week (by points and research movies) below. Congrats all teams!
Teams by points - Week 1 (up until 12pm ET, April 8)
Team name | Points | |
1 | testing | 13,821,051 |
2 | MemoryCafes | 9,505,905 |
3 | Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day | 3,526,452 |
4 | krissi | 3,397,353 |
5 | Canada | 3,069,665 |
6 | I See Stalls | 2,541,393 |
7 | First Stone | 2,064,181 |
8 | Dementia Action Week | 1,131,175 |
9 | This is our Life | 907,397 |
10 | Kaunas Makerspace | 811,955 |
11 | Port Angeles, WA | 463,847 |
12 | CrowdAndCloud | 301,905 |
13 | MinnesotaNice | 250,240 |
14 | 15apotato. | 106,683 |
15 | lets stop alz | 105,324 |
16 | Team PH | 83,598 |
17 | Alzheimer's Research UK | 50,965 |
18 | UniqueMappers | 44,877 |
19 | Arizona State University | 38,133 |
20 | Deerwood Science Lovers! | 27,863 |
21 | Alz Together Now | 27,317 |
22 | AseanPlus StallCatchers | 15,922 |
23 | SciStarter | 12,534 |
24 | Scotch Plains Library | 10,314 |
25 | Singularity2045 | 8,242 |
26 | Ring Catchers | 5,345 |
27 | Portgas D Cora | 2,983 |
28 | Teutopolis Wooden Shoes | 2,559 |
29 | Lexington Goes Purple | 2,061 |
30 | TheSciFiMed | 1,097 |
31 | Veterans for Research | 1,004 |
32 | EyesOnALZ | 968 |
33 | MLCL | 884 |
34 | Unioto Citizen Science Team | 697 |
Teams by research movies - Week 1 (up until 12pm ET, April 8)
Team name | Research movies | |
1 | testing | 10982 |
2 | MemoryCafes | 7906 |
3 | Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day | 2972 |
4 | krissi | 2656 |
5 | Canada | 2276 |
6 | I See Stalls | 2269 |
7 | First Stone | 2101 |
8 | Dementia Action Week | 732 |
9 | This is our Life | 730 |
10 | Kaunas Makerspace | 632 |
11 | Port Angeles, WA | 603 |
12 | CrowdAndCloud | 281 |
13 | MinnesotaNice | 280 |
14 | 15apotato. | 213 |
15 | lets stop alz | 180 |
16 | Team PH | 165 |
17 | Alzheimer's Research UK | 110 |
18 | UniqueMappers | 106 |
19 | Arizona State University | 81 |
20 | Deerwood Science Lovers! | 53 |
21 | Alz Together Now | 38 |
22 | AseanPlus StallCatchers | 37 |
23 | SciStarter | 27 |
24 | Scotch Plains Library | 22 |
25 | Singularity2045 | 13 |
26 | Ring Catchers | 10 |
27 | Portgas D Cora | 8 |
28 | Teutopolis Wooden Shoes | 6 |
29 | Lexington Goes Purple | 5 |
30 | TheSciFiMed | 3 |
31 | Veterans for Research | 3 |
32 | EyesOnALZ | 1 |
33 | MLCL | 1 |
34 | Unioto Citizen Science Team | 0 |
Users by points - Week 1 (up until 12pm ET, April 8)
Username | Points | |
1 | Badstallsbadbad | 13821051 |
2 | caprarom★ | 9357756 |
3 | jkaufbenefits | 3526452 |
4 | christiane | 3397353 |
5 | KarisFraMauro | 3054817 |
6 | Carol_aka_Mema★ | 2501902 |
7 | Nicktho | 2064181 |
8 | Thomas_Adams | 904458 |
9 | elAmber | 811955 |
10 | ababbie | 582642 |
11 | Uganalandia | 548533 |
12 | grampa1387 | 463847 |
13 | sachambers★ | 301905 |
14 | mamaanne | 250240 |
15 | brodydashawesome | 103116 |
16 | MemoryCafeDirectory | 85971 |
17 | orbithunter | 83598 |
18 | Carrot | 65961 |
19 | seplute/HQ | 59044 |
20 | Westy56 | 50965 |
21 | Zinnykal | 44877 |
22 | 89o | 39867 |
23 | HCresAlz | 39491 |
24 | auvielee | 30660 |
25 | No_one_goingto_beat_zach | 26920 |
26 | chairstar | 16201 |
27 | pietro/HQ | 15965 |
28 | jlee4391 | 15922 |
29 | jgerridgemiller | 13448 |
30 | Carolyne_Mason | 11981 |
31 | taudesirk | 10657 |
32 | DreamLab | 8242 |
33 | alex_bervoets | 5345 |
34 | Lkammer | 3444 |
35 | Noa | 2983 |
36 | SC_Admin | 2939 |
37 | callekid | 2908 |
38 | Boomer | 2867 |
39 | courtneyhoene | 2559 |
40 | Austin_Hilgart | 1359 |
41 | mharp | 1119 |
42 | Jacob | 1097 |
43 | badhop55 | 1004 |
44 | JonandPaco | 884 |
45 | Password | 855 |
46 | OreoSherman | 697 |
47 | BIGJOE2020 | 694 |
48 | Selchie | 459 |
49 | Tatting | 447 |
50 | Yougurt | 249 |
51 | jlopez89 | 2 |
52 | Teeman | 0 |
Users by research movies - Week 1 (up until 12pm ET, April 8)
Username | Research movies | |
1 | Badstallsbadbad | 10982 |
2 | caprarom★ | 7745 |
3 | jkaufbenefits | 2972 |
4 | christiane | 2656 |
5 | KarisFraMauro | 2226 |
6 | Carol_aka_Mema★ | 2175 |
7 | Nicktho | 2101 |
8 | Thomas_Adams | 732 |
9 | grampa1387 | 730 |
10 | elAmber | 632 |
11 | Uganalandia | 314 |
12 | ababbie | 289 |
13 | mamaanne | 280 |
14 | brodydashawesome | 272 |
15 | sachambers★ | 180 |
16 | orbithunter | 165 |
17 | Carrot | 160 |
18 | MemoryCafeDirectory | 110 |
19 | Westy56 | 110 |
20 | Zinnykal | 106 |
21 | HCresAlz | 101 |
22 | auvielee | 61 |
23 | seplute/HQ | 49 |
24 | 89o | 47 |
25 | pietro/HQ | 40 |
26 | jlee4391 | 37 |
27 | No_one_goingto_beat_zach | 36 |
28 | chairstar | 34 |
29 | jgerridgemiller | 29 |
30 | Carolyne_Mason | 27 |
31 | taudesirk | 19 |
32 | Boomer | 16 |
33 | badhop55 | 13 |
34 | Lkammer | 8 |
35 | courtneyhoene | 8 |
36 | mharp | 7 |
37 | DreamLab | 6 |
38 | Password | 6 |
39 | Noa | 5 |
40 | callekid | 5 |
41 | alex_bervoets | 3 |
42 | OreoSherman | 3 |
43 | Yougurt | 2 |
44 | Jacob | 1 |
45 | JonandPaco | 1 |
46 | Tatting | 1 |
47 | SC_Admin | 0 |
48 | Austin_Hilgart | 0 |
49 | BIGJOE2020 | 0 |
50 | Selchie | 0 |
51 | jlopez89 | 0 |
52 | Teeman | 0 |
And here's a quick look into the results for just Day 7...
Top 10 teams by points, Day 7 (April 7-8)
Team name | Points - Day 7 | |
1 | testing | 1,841,184 |
2 | MemoryCafes | 1,195,264 |
3 | Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day | 457,819 |
4 | I See Stalls | 399,234 |
5 | This is our Life | 372,160 |
6 | First Stone | 258,033 |
7 | Canada | 77,256 |
8 | 15apotato. | 66,291 |
9 | Port Angeles, WA | 64,029 |
10 | Dementia Action Week | 11,119 |
Top 10 teams by research movies, Day 7 (April 7-8)
Team name | Research movies - Day 7 | |
1 | testing | 1576 |
2 | MemoryCafes | 924 |
3 | Play Stall Catchers on The Longest Day | 425 |
4 | First Stone | 346 |
5 | This is our Life | 334 |
6 | I See Stalls | 320 |
7 | 15apotato. | 165 |
8 | Port Angeles, WA | 130 |
9 | Canada | 86 |
10 | Team PH | 23 |
Top 10 users by points, Day 7 (April 7-8)
Username | Points - Day 7 |
Badstallsbadbad | 1841184 |
caprarom★ | 1195264 |
jkaufbenefits | 457819 |
Carol_aka_Mema★ | 389000 |
Thomas_Adams | 372160 |
Nicktho | 258033 |
KarisFraMauro | 77256 |
Carrot | 65961 |
grampa1387 | 64029 |
Uganalandia | 11119 |
Top 10 users by research movies, Day 7 (April 7-8)
Username | Research movies - Day 7 | |
1 | Badstallsbadbad | 1576 |
2 | caprarom★ | 924 |
3 | jkaufbenefits | 425 |
4 | Nicktho | 346 |
5 | Thomas_Adams | 334 |
6 | Carol_aka_Mema★ | 295 |
7 | Carrot | 160 |
8 | grampa1387 | 130 |
9 | KarisFraMauro | 86 |
10 | HCresAlz | 25 |
What awaits us in Week 2 ?? :) Let's keep crushing that #CabinFever, and Alzheimer's at the same time!
Here's more info about the #CabinFever challenge, which runs this entire month. It's Citizen Science Month, after all!! :)